Rain garden at Aldbourne. Project by Action for the River Kennet, Design and photo credit Wendy Allen.
Action for the River Kennet’s Rainscapes Phase 2 has created more stunning and practical rain gardens in playgrounds at Aldbourne St Michael’s School and Baydon St Nicholas’ School. Both are performing well, reducing localised flooding, adding biodiveristy, providing rain water for play, and promoting aquifer recharge – making local chalk streams (the Aldbourne and the Lambourn) more resilient to drought.
The children love them, and the community has enjoyed exploring them during opening events and as part of Open Gardens. ARK were on hand to explain how each feature worked, and to encourage people to try ideas at home.
The project was made possible by great designs from Wendy Allen, generous funding from ARK, Thames Rivers Trust, The Revere Charitable Trust and Aldbourne School. Many of the plants and materials in the Aldbourne Garden were a gift from Thames Water, having been used in the Flourishing Futures Garden at the Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival in 2019. Hundreds of hours of effort was donated by ARK members, school governors, local residents and local businesses.

Aldbourne rain garden opening event, 2019

Unicorn on a comfy seat

Baydon school children interviewed about their rain garden by BBC Wiltshire. Photo credit ARK

Rain water play. Photo credit ARK

Green space in a tarmac playground